Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sick of the roller coaster

I told you all that my mri shows good results however the past few days have proven differently. I have had a really bad few days. My symptoms are coming on very strong and often. I am hoping that my body is just telling me to slow down and continue resting to ensure healing. My next Dr. appt. is next Tuesday so we will see what he has to say.

I have communicated with some others on line who have been through the same surgery and have got mixed responses. Some say it is not good that the symptoms are back and others have told me that they slowly fade away over the year after surgery. The frustration level is off the charts at this point. This has by far been the most challenging time of my life. I still have NO energy and get tired so easily. I have to challenge myself to actually get things done. I have had clothes that I have been trying to hang up for 2 weeks and just can't get the energy to do it all. Talk about frustrating!!! I lay low all day so I can hang with my girls and Pat when they get home.

Keep the prayers coming that this is just a phase of the healing process.


  1. Amy,
    I just read your update. I am thinking that you need to REST. That means your mind and your body..thats the only way you are going to heal properly. No stress...or as little as possible!!! we talked about this have to..or you are not going to feel well..I want to hear how you are doing..I am thinking about you hoping you have read this:) take care Dan

  2. I believe it is just a part of the healing process. It's been almost a year since my mom's surgery and yesterday she was exhausted and still has to rest frequently and just take it easy. You know, you've been through a lot and you just don't bounce back from something that tramatic that quickly. Stay focused and positive and just give yourself time. I'm sure you're frustrated and impatient, I would be too. But just rest and allow yourself a lot of time to heal, it's just been a little over a month. Take're in our prayers!

  3. Amy,
    Spine surgeries take a long time to fully heal. With good rest, gradual return to activity etc., most folks feel like they are happy they had a spinal surgery about 1.5 to 2 years after the fact. During these initial times, the feelings you have are normal, as logic tells us we should feel fine by now. Gradually, gradually, things will come easier. It definitely takes time....even when we want to be fine yesterday. My prayers are with you. Take care.

  4. I love you so much and can't wait until we can finally catch up. REST up, it will all pay off.
